Sunday, September 22, 2019

An Original Research Design Plan Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

An Original Design Plan - Research Paper Example The problems arise due to factors such as sexual and substance abuse within prisons. There is a high rate in consumption of drugs by inmates in prisons, which impact negatively on their health, and in the extreme cases lead to death. Substance abuse in Austin prisons is not a new trend, and it requires maximum attention, as the effects on the inmates are severe. Prisons are places meant to rehabilitate and reform the inmates, rather than to destroy them, in one way or the other. Introduction There has been an increasing rate of substance abuse in Austin prisons. Substance abuse refers to a pattern of harmful and injurious use of drugs for mood altering purposes. In other words, it is the consumption of illicit drugs for purposes meant to interfere with the normal mental condition of an individual (Chang, 2010). Although there has been treatment for drug abusers since the 1970s, this has not changed the fact of drug abuse in prisons. Scientific research shows that this treatment can h elp many victims change their behaviors and attitudes towards drug abuse (Stover and Michels, 2010). There are various reasons associated with drug abuse in prisons. These factors stem from the relationship that exists between crime and drug abuse, which is widely known. Drug abuse is implicated in three kinds of offences related to drug. That is, offences related directly to drug abuse such as theft to get money for drugs, offences defined by drug sale or possession, and offences related to a way of life that disposes an individual (substance abuser) to engage in unlawful activities. This may take the form of associating with other lawbreakers or with illegitimate markets (Jennifer et al. 2012). Substance abuse among prisoners in Austin is very dangerous due to the many negative impacts associated with it. The negative impacts of drug abuse affect the victim both socially and psychologically. The sociological and psychological effects of substance abuse on inmates in Austin are div erse ranging from mental illnesses to contraction of other diseases. In the extreme cases, substance abuse leads to death of the drug abuser. According to William and Daniel, 2005), inmates who engage in substance abuse in prisons are at a high risk of contracting chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDs, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted diseases. This occurs especially when drug abusers engage in sexual behaviors influenced by drug abuse factor. The prevalence of diseases such as HIV/AIDS in prisons is very high, increasing the rate of risk of transmission. The other serious effect that substance abuse has on individuals is relapse. Relapse to drug abuse by offenders occurs especially when they are not treated, and this makes the offenders return to criminal behavior. Relapse can bring about re-arrest and re-incarceration of offenders, jeopardizing public health and taxing criminal justice system. Therefore, this does not only affect the criminal’s social life, but also imp acts on the institutions involved negatively. Most mental illnesses in prison are a result of substance and drug abuse (Hide et al. 2012). The mental psychology of substance abusers in prisons is disturbed by intoxication. This can make the individual to become insane or interfere with the logical thinking of the individual. Substance abuse can make the individual to alter his moods and change his or her attitudes and behaviors towards a particular thing. In

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