Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Patient Profile

Mrs Mary Martins is an eight four year old lady who was admitted to a local community hospital after falling at home while going to the toilet in the early hours of the morning. Mrs Martins had sustained a chipped bone in her left foot, had no plaster cast in situ and was non weight bearing. Mrs Martins lives alone in her own bungalow; her husband had died 4 years earlier. She has a son and daughter who both live in the south of England and a granddaughter who lives close by. The granddaughter pops in every week to help her with the shopping and various other tasks that may need doing. She also has a very good neighbour who she sees every day and who helps out whenever needed with tasks such as shopping. Mrs Martins has been retired for a number of years now and enjoys driving her car very much and socialising with friends. She also used to play golf and travel to the United States of America (USA) every year to visit family. Mrs Martins main concern was her ability to drive her car again. Mrs Martins has never smoked, but does like to have the odd alcoholic drink of a night time. She has no past medical conditions and no medication history, although the doctor has put her on 1g of paracetamol to be taken four times a day or as and when required to help with the pain. Before the fall Mrs Martins was a fit and active lady who lived a very independent life.

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