Monday, February 3, 2020

Cultural Barriers to Women's carrer success Essay

Cultural Barriers to Women's carrer success - Essay Example This eventually results in creating barriers not only in their career but also in their basic education, it is true that women are prefered to study fields that would result in taking interest in feminine career opportunities. Along with this the civil and political rights of a women are also neglected. Even then women have had their share to experience leadership ventures in private as well as many government sectors. It is also true that attaining leadership for women has never been easy. There are numerous workplace challenges that are considered worthy of no importance. Cultural barriers tend to impact a women’s careers in one way or another. According to Kiamba, the phenomenon came to be known as â€Å"glass ceiling†, (Kiamba’ 2008). The term actually related to the crucial barriers that resulted in a full stop to a woman’s career and blocking of the top level career opportunities A very detailed research analysis on the subject had proven it to be tr ue to a great extent since rarely women are found as the executives members of the organizations they have invested years in. Background: Impact of Gender inequality on a woman's career: According to McCarthy and Berger, one of the major reasons for the inequality in the workplace is that most societies have failed to establish a gender neutral environment especially in the workplace.Women participation in any official progress is usually not so notable, the participation is most likely to be not translated to achieve favorable positions. Even if the participation in the process involves great hard work once the output has been achieved it is most often realized that the involvement of women in the certain project has been made entirely invisible, ( McCarthy and Berger’ 2008) The pace to establish a gender neutral situation is relatively slower in most regions. Attaining leadership positions that involve the empowerment of the holder in the workplace is yet another dilemma fo r women. Most probably the attainment requires women to pay a much high price as compared to what would lead a man to achieve the same position effortlessly. Impact of balancing work and Family on a Woman's Career: According to the author the choice of having to balance between family and work is one of the crucial cultural barrier every women have to face. Not only is balancing something that a career oriented women might have to go through but also along with it comes the stress and fear of failure . The factor definitely leads to less input in both matters respectively. The balancing of family and work for men is quite different from that of women, they are certainly at ease with lesser responsibilities from family. In case of any career women the task of having to give appropriate to both work and family can be exhausting as well as frustrating at time. It not like there has never been any success story, obviously there are many but as compared to the accomplishment of men they are way too less. The accomplishment in career for most women involves excessive efforts to rise above the given circumstances , which mostly involves some risks resulting in the breaking of family ties. Impact of Individual factors on a woman’s Career: Along with all of the other career effecting factors individual factors play a vital role in determining the success in woman’s career. One of the prominent individual factors

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