Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Day of the Locust explication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Day of the Locust explication - Essay Example Alternatively, they could be waiting for a bus to deliver them to a place full of hope that, realistically, will never come. The novel depicts a poor mass that are surrounded by glitters of Hollywood, which provides them with the illusions of good life. However, the narrator cannot comprehend the irrationality of the crowd, who seem to be angry with everything. The paper analyzes the use of crowd in The Day of the Locust. There is the use of crowd to symbolize the direction American society has taken, with masses not being recognized by their contribution to the success of the Hollywood stars, who have lost touch with the reality of life, built a ringed barrier around them and creates illusions among their followers. Tod Hackett, a fresh graduate from an Art School, Yale University who has been living in Hollywood for about three months. As he works on his epic painting, â€Å"The Burning of Los Angeles† he encounters what can best be described as a dangerous crowd of people w ho cling to hope against the backdrop of hard reality. As depicted in the apocalypse of landscape, the crowd is charged; as they arm themselves with baseball bats and torches. In page 10, he describes the scene at the movie premier in the manner in which the crowd is charged and show signs of impatience; â€Å"...Thousands of people had already gathered. They stood facing the theatre with their backs to the gutter in a thick line hundreds of feet long† Nadel 226). In a view to describe the gap between the crown and those Hollywood personalities, the narrator states continues; â€Å"A big squad of policemen was trying to keep a lane open between the front rank of the crowd and the faced of the theatre...† (Gehman 10). The narrator’s description of the life of the Hollywood stars and the masses depicts two sides that are not in sync with each other. His perception is that the Hollywood art is just meant to provide some sort of mechanical fantasies to the American poor populace. In fact, the use of imagery in the description of Los Angeles is a direct creation of perception that the people have been exposed to some sort of machination to fantasize and live in some fabricated world of dreams. This kind of dream offers short term gratification, and that any form of delay to the actualization of this dream can lead to disastrous reaction from the crowd. The latter is depicted in the grotesque facial depictions of the people: â€Å"all those poor devils who can only best stirred by the promise of miracles and then only to violence† (Gehman 10). The novel relentlessly exposes the decay and constant violence that emerge from the failure to accomplish the dreams of the masses. The idealism and the actuality of the life in Los Angeles’ Hollywood is depicted as worlds apart. In this case, finding the reality from the discrepancies of imaginations is so hard that the Tod can only predict doom. The novel, in other words, predicts the imagi ned American dream that is full of fantasies remarkably addressed in symbolic characteristic of the crowd. Within the core of this dream is a seemingly eminent violence, which may arise when the masses realizes that they have not been part of the illusion of activities presented in the events. The crowd becomes difficult to control and portrays uncertainty with the goals, even as they feel threatened by the Hollywood idols. Ironically, they are prepared

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The impact of the Federal Reserve on the elections in 1992 Term Paper

The impact of the Federal Reserve on the elections in 1992 - Term Paper Example This led Federal Reserve board to make small reduction on short term interest rates, 1 perhaps with the confidence that such reduction was to be mild and brief. According to an News Times report, FED trimmed Federal Fund rates that banks charge one another for overnight loans from 6% to 5.75%, with the discount rate ,which Fed levies on banks for short term loans remaining constant at 5.25%.1However, the effects of interest rates are usually not realized immediately, and take time to be felt in the market.2 The delayed actions by Fed in lowering interests rates were therefore not realized immediately upon the interest cuts; recession was increasing rapidly, and as people have increasing hope in the policies of an opponent in such cases, Clinton’s economic policy in 1992 election were magnified by Fed delayed actions, with studies portraying the electorate as preferring Clinton to Bush. 3There have been discussions on the effectiveness of this intervention in the market by Fed in 1992, where many analysts have termed the intervention as too late and too little in terms of stimulating the economy; with many analysts arguing the interve ntion resulted to increasing inflationary rates in the economy as long term interest rates remained persistent.3 Despite reduced interest rates to encourage borrowing, fed interference in the economic dynamics resulted to increased inflationary rates, which were evidence after the elections. To deal with growing public spending deficit, the top marginal income tax rate was raised from 31% in 1992 to 39.6% in 1993, which was similar to a 42.55 increase when Medicare tax hikes were included. 4This was proved by the economic growth that was recorded at 4.3% annually in the last quarter of 1992, but dropped to 1.7% annual rate in first quarter of 1993. 4 This reduced growth was a result of long term interest rates that continued to haunt the economy; the high interest rates were shelved in 1992 when they were

Sunday, October 27, 2019

International capital budgeting

International capital budgeting Executive Summary In todays competitive environment, with companies are looking to expand their business not only nationally but also in foreign markets. For taking the decision on whether to invest in a foreign operation or not the company needs to assess various options it has. Capital Budgeting techniques are used in order to evaluate or compare different proposals. There is a difference in capital budgeting techniques for foreign operations as several factors such as exchange rates, inflation rates, blocked funds, government policies, etc. The returns arising out of foreign operations are different for the subsidiary company and parent company. Cash Flows should be computed for the investor i.e. the parent company and if the NPV of cash flows after subsequent adjustments comes out to be positive for parent company the investment decision might seem fruitful. Although a positive NPV for subsidiary would also add to the wealth of the corporation but generally parent companys in such instances are a little hesitant to invest. Favourable condition is the one in which both companies have a positive return. The cost of capital also needs to be estimated correctly by making suitable adjustments. Overall cost of capital should be lowered by having an optimal cost structure within several constraints. Several Decisions need to be made by the International Finance Manager on whether to expand, postpone or abandon the project in cases of sudden rise or fall in demand. Generally, companies do not wish to abandon the project as entering and leaving market is more costlier than bearing operational loss for sometime. Careful attention to the demand and other foreign and local government policies come into picture while taking this decision. Introduction Many firms around the world carry out business activities in more than one country such firms are known as Multinational Corporations (MNCs). With increase in globalization such activities have been on a rise. Many Indian firms also after the inception of Liberalization, Globalization and Privatization policy have started to raise finances in foreign markets, export goods and services, import goods and services and even invest abroad. However, the fundamentals of financial management do not differ whether the firm is domestic or an International firm i.e. a firm which has significant foreign operations. Although there are a few factors that need to be considered in International firms such as currency denominations, tax and other Government implications, varying accounting standards, barriers to trade and financial flows and political risk. One of the key factors for firms having their operations in foreign countries is the exchange rate. Exchange rate unlike few years back (1971) where devaluations and revaluations occurred only very rarely has given way to the system of floating exchange rates. In a system of completely floating exchange rates, the relative prices of the currencies are determined entirely by the demand-supply gap. Authorities in such a system do not attempt to influence the rate movements. But such an ideal system does not exist. Governments in all countries attempt to influence the movements of exchange prices either through direct intervention or through a mix of monetary and fiscal policies as they regard exchange rate as a very important macro-economic variable. Such a system is called dirty float. Exchange rate directly influences the estimation of budget of a foreign investment. So in order to accurately forecast the budget or profitability of a project it is essential to forecast the exchange rates for future. Exchange Rates An exchange represents the price of one currency expressed in terms of another. There are two ways of quoting an exchange rate. Direct Quote: A type of quote in which exchange rate for a foreign currency is quoted in terms of number of units of local currency that are equal to a single unit of foreign currency. For example when it is said that exchange rate for dollar is Rs 46, it illustrates a direct quote for Dollar. Indirect Quote: A type of quote in which exchange rate for a foreign currency is quoted in terms of number of units of foreign currency that are equal to a unit of local currency. For example when it is said that $0.0233 is equal to Re. 1, it illustrates an indirect quote for Dollar. Since 1993, the interbank foreign exchange market in India has been using system of direct quote, prior to that it used a system of indirect quote. International Standards Organization has developed three letter codes for all currencies that are used by the SWIFT network that affects the inter-bank fund transfers. Codes for a few currencies are: Spot Rate Quotations Spot Rate refers to the rate of a foreign exchange contract for immediate delivery. Although it is said to be immediate its settlement is done in two business days after the date of transaction. A quotation consists of two prices. The first price is the bid price i.e. the price at which the dealer is willing to buy. The second price is the ask price i.e. the price at which the dealer is willing to sell. The difference between the two prices is known as the bid ask spread. It reflects the breadth, depth and volatility of the currency market. The spread is generally expressed in percentage terms. For e.g. if USD/INR Spot :46.2500/46.2600, it means that the dealer would buy one US dollar for Rs 46.2500 and sell one US dollar for Rs 46.6000. In this the bid ask spread is: Cross Rate Quotations If the exchange rate between currencies A and B and currencies B and C is known then the exchange rate between currencies A and C can be determined by the following: S(A/C) = S(A/B) x S(B/C) Forward Rate Quotations A rate which is fixed today but the settlement for the transactions occurs at some specified date in the future. Banks normally quote forward rates for maturities in the whole calendar months. For commercial customers it is mentioned in the same way as quotation for spot rate. For e.g.: USD/INR 3 Month Forward : 46.4220/46.5210 The above statement signifies that after three months bank would buy one dollar for 46.4220 and sell one dollar for 46.5210. However, in the interbank market the forward quotes are given as a pair of swap points which are then added or subtracted from forward quotation. The swap quote only expresses the difference between the spot quote and forward quote. Decimals are not written in swap quotes and are represented as follows: Conversion of Swap Rate into Outright Rate Swap rate can be converted into outright rate by adding premium or subtracting the discount from spot rate. If the forward bid rate in points is more than offer rate then the forward rate is at a premium and hence the points are added to the spot rate in order to get outright rate. If the forward bid rate is more than the offer rate in points then the swap points are subtracted from the spot rate. The swap quotation is generally expressed such that the last digit coincides with the same place as the last digit of spot price. So, in USD/INR quote given above, the rate 20/10 would mean INR 0.0020/INR 0.0010. On application of the above rule to the example, the outright forward quotation would be: USD/INR 1 month forward: 46.5005/46.5020. Forward Premiums and Discounts If the US dollar is costlier in the forward market than in the current market then it is said that it is at a forward premium in relation to Rupee. Similarly if it is cheaper in the forward market it is said to be at a discount in relation to Rupee. With two way quotations there is no single unique way of quantifying the premium or discounts. One way commonly used is expressing premium or discount as an annualized percentage deviation from spot rate. Forward premium(discount) = (n-day forward rate spot rate)/spot rate x 360/n n length of forward contract in number of days Futures and Options in Foreign Currencies An alternative to the forward market is the futures market. The currency futures contracts are standardised currency forward contracts in terms of size of the contract and delivery dates. The difference between forward contracts and futures is that forwards are customized whereas futures are standardized contracts. International Parity Relationships In order to have consistent international financial policy a relationship between interest rates, inflation rates and exchange rates needs to be understood. Following theories suffice this purpose: Covered Interest Arbitrage and Interest Rate Parity It is an investment strategy whereby an investor buys a financial instrument denominated in a foreign currency and hedges his foreign exchange risk by selling a forward contract in the amount of the proceeds of the investment back into base currency. Combined effect of such transactions and market pressures result in an equilibrium relationship which is known as interest rate parity (IRP) which preludes covered interest arbitrage transactions. When IRP exists, the difference between forward rate and the spot rate is enough to offset the difference between interest rates in two currencies. IRP condition states that the home interest rate must be higher or lower than the foreign interest rate by an amount equal to forward discount or premium on home currency. IRP can be stated as follows: Purchasing Power Parity According to the concept of purchasing power parity barring the effects of barriers associated with the movement of goods or services across countries, price of each product shall be same in each country, after making the appropriate currency conversions. It is also known as law of one price in economics. For goods which cannot be easily stored or transported law of one price doesnt hold, but for goods like crude oil and gold which can be easily stored and transported there arent major deviations from law of one price. A less restrictive form of Purchasing Power Parity is called the relative purchasing power parity which states that the difference in inflation rate between two countries is offset by the change in exchange rate. Relative Purchasing Power Parity can be expressed as follows: International Capital Budgeting Once a company has reached a decision to invest abroad the next thing to do is to evaluate various projects/proposals. The evaluation of the long term investment project is known as capital budgeting. The method of capital budgeting is quite similar for both a domestic company and an international company. The difference is that in order to evaluate for an international company different aspects need to be taken into account such as computation of cash flow relating to project in viewpoint of both parent and subsidiary, cost of capital, etc. Evaluation Criteria An investment proposal can be evaluated using two types of method non-discounting and discounting methods. The non-discounting methods are simple to compute but are not as accurate as discounting methods as they do not take into consideration the time value of money. The focus would mainly be on the discounting methods. Non-Discounting Methods Average Accounting Rate of Return: It takes into account profit before interest and tax with respect to investment. The profit is then compared to the required rate of return. A project is acceptable if the mean profit is higher than the required rate of return. The negative aspects of this method are that it is based on accounting income and not on the cash flow; it considers profit before tax and it also ignores the time value of money. Pay Back Period: It is the number of years required in order to recover the initial investment. This method mainly focuses on early recovery of funds but does not consider the cash flow after the pay back period i.e. it does not take into account the life of the project. The advantage of such non-discounting methods are that they are easy to compute and can be used in the initial stages of project in order to compare which project would be able to recover the investment quicker. Discounting Methods Net Present Value: In this approach projects are accepted where the present value of net cash inflow during the life span of project is greater than initial investment. It is computed using. Choice between different methods During comparing two proposals sometimes the result of two methods may differ as they rest on different assumptions concerning the reinvestment of funds released from the project. The NPV rule implies reinvestment at a rate equivalent to the required rate of return which is used as the discount rate whereas IRR assumes the funds to be reinvested at IRR. However, in such a case NPV is given preference as there are a few limitations of IRR method. Firstly, where projects of different life span are considered IRR inflates desirability of a short-life project as IRR is a function of both the time involved and size of capital investment. Secondly, IRR remains to be lower on projects with a longer gestation period, even when NPV remains larger because IRR is high in those projects where several benefits accrue in early part of their economic life. Thirdly, there is a possibility of two IRR rates coming for a given NPV as they are computed using a polynomial equation. Between PI and NPV, NPV is given preference as it represents an absolute value. Computation of the Cash Flow The decision to start a new project involves outlay of cash flow in form of investment but in return brings in funds and adds to the firms stock of wealth in future. Cash Flow can be grouped under three heads: Initial Investment during the period, to Operating cash flow during the period, t1 to tn Terminal cash flow or salvage value emerging at the end og the period, tn. The following factors should be kept in mind: Cash Flow is considered on after tax basis Financing cost is not included despite the fact that capital has a cost because such costs are considered elsewhere while determining projects required rate of return Cash flow is computed on an incremental basis and represents the difference between cash flow after the investment and cash flow in absence of investment Certain costs do not involve cash flow but involve opportunity cost, such costs are included in the decision process Parent Units Perspective and the Cash Flow In multinational capital budgeting the question arises whether to compute the cash flow from viewpoint of the parent company or viewpoint of subsidiary company because cash outflow of one could be cash inflow for the other. For e.g. if the subsidiary company gives the parent company a royalty fees then it becomes an inflow for the parent company but it is an outflow for the subsidiary company. It is difficult to take a decision on whether to accept or reject a proposal in such instances. In fact there may be many situations when the disparity in the cash flow between the parent and its subsidiary occurs. For example if the tax rates in home country and foreign country are different disparity in cash flow would arise. It is possible that on account of lower tax rates in foreign country the after tax cash inflow is large enough to justify the investment proposal. On the other hand high tax rates in the home country might render the investment proposal infeasible from viewpoint of the p arent company. The parent company might reject the proposal due to low cash inflow due to exchange control applied by the foreign government, despite the cash flow being sufficient for implementation. In a situation where parent company charges the subsidiary exorbitantly for the use of technology and management, the cash inflow accruing to the parent company will be larger justifying the investment decision. Lastly, changes in exchange rate may change the cash flow of parent company. When the currency of the foreign country appreciates parent company gets a larger flow of cash in terms of its own currency. This might alter the accept-reject decision. In corporate financial management the value of the project is determined by net present value of the future cash flows available to the investor. Since, parent company is the one which invests in the project , it is the cash flow of the parent company that is taken into account in the context of international capital budgeting. Initial Investment If the entire project cost is met by the parent company the entire amount of initial investment is treated as the cash outflow. There are instances when the project is partly financed by the subsidiary itself through local borrowings but such borrowings do not form a part of the initial cash outflow. In some cases the subsidiary company makes additional investment for expansion out of the retained earnings, in such a case there is no cash outflow from the parent company but such costs should be treated as opportunity costs because in absence of retention of earnings, these funds could have been transferred to parent company rather than invested in the project in question. Thus, the investment out of retained earnings should be treated as cash outflow from parent companys perspective. Sometimes foreign government imposes exchange control and does not allow the cash to flow to the parent company. Such funds are called as blocked funds. For this reason the part of the cash that is blocked is not treated as cash inflow from the parents perspective. However, if the blocked funds are reinvested in some new project then that amount is considered as investment by the parent company. Operating cash flow Besides the initial investment, some adjustments need to be made to the operating cash flow as well. The revenue generated through the sale of a subsidiarys product in the local market as well as in other countries is shown as cash inflow to the parent company but it is subject to downward adjustment by the lost income on sales previously realized through parent companys export to these markets. On the other hand if operation in the subsidiary leads to import of components and raw material from parent company value of such import will be added to the revenue. The transfer pricing, when the parent company or any other unit of the firm charges price for intra-firm transfer of intermediate goods, also influences the operating cash flow. The transfer pricing is adopted either for better working capital management or wavering of taxes through shifting of before-tax profit to a country with lower tax rates. When transfer pricing lowers the overall tax burden on the parent company it is treated as cash inflow. However, such inflows are discounted at a higher rate because they involve great risk. If there are incentives from the foreign government, they are included in capital budgeting. For example, if foreign government offers loan at a subsidized rate then the gains from such an incentive is treated as operating cash inflow. When the subsidiary takes loans locally, the amount of interest payment is deducted from operating cash inflow. In case of domestic capital budgeting it is not the case as financing cost is included in the discount rate, but in case of international capital budgeting, the cash remitted to parent company would seem to be overstated if interest payments are not treated as cash outflow. Inflation influences both the cost and the revenue streams of the project and hence inflation rate differential also needs to be taken into account. If the inflation rate is higher in foreign country and if the import from the parent company constitutes a significant portion of the input of subsidiary, the cost will not move up very high but if the inputs are bought locally the cost increase may be substantial. Similarly, revenue would move up if there is no competition from foreign suppliers and the demand for the product is price inelastic. Although if inflation rates are very fluctuating it becomes very difficult to make an accurate forecast as the inflation differential would keep on changing. The exchange rate fluctuation influences the size of the cash flow. Changes in exchange rate are not only due to the changes in inflation rates but several other factors. It is difficult to predict the behaviour of those factors. Nevertheless, the cash flow computation process incorporates different scenarios of exchange rate movements. If there is an appreciation in the value of foreign currency, it is good for the parent company as it will increase the size of cash inflow in terms of home currency. This gain may be offset by the high inflation rate but if in the future the rate of inflation is expected to lower thus helping appreciate the value of foreign countrys currency, the subsidiary should invest locally the payments to the parent company till the strengthening of currency. Terminal Cash Flow When salvage value of a project is uncertain the parent company makes several estimates of salvage value or terminal cash flow and computes the NPV based on each possible outcome of terminal cash flow. Alternatively, it computes the break even salvage i.e. terminal cash flow necessary in order to achieve zero NPV for the project. Break even salvage value is then compared to estimated cash flow. If the estimated terminal cash flow is less than break even salvage value, the investment proposal would be rejected as the NPV would be negative. On the other hand if the subsidiary would sell for more than break-even salvage value then this would be incorporated into assessment of whether to accept the project or reject it. To further explain the terminal cash flow, we would break up the cash flow beginning from the first year to the nth year into operating cash flow (OCFt) and terminal cash flow (TCFn). So from the above equation we can conclude that in order to compute break even terminal cash flow we have to first estimate the present value of operating cash flows or the future cash flows without salvage value. When computed it is deducted from initial investment and difference is multiplied by (1+k)n. Parent-Subsidiary Perspective: An Alternative Approach In the earlier approach we analyzed that NPV of the investor is taken into account rather than project while deciding on whether to invest in a certain project or not. But if projects NPV is positive, it is bound to add to corporate wealth of firm as a whole. Under this approach two NPVs are computed, one from parent companys point of view and other is the NPV of the project. Finally the acceptance or rejection decision is based on NPV of both of them. In order to calculate the NPVP or Net Present Value from Parent companys perspective following steps are taken: Estimate the cash flow in foreign currency Estimate the future spot exchange rate on the basis of available forward rates Convert the foreign currency cash flow into home currency Find home currency using home currency discount rate Similarly to find out NPVS or Net present value from subsidiarys perspective following steps are taken: Estimate cash flow in foreign currency Identify the foreign currency discount rate Discount the foreign currency cash flow at foreign currency discount rate Convert the resultant NPV into the home country currency at spot exchange rate. In the above case the cash inflow represents the earnings of the project in foreign currency irrespective of the fact whether cash moves towards or away from the parent unit. The two methods above assume all-equity capital structure and so, if the parity conditions existed in the real world the two approaches would give the same value. But generally debt is normally included in capital structure in order to lower the cost of capital and furthermore parity conditions do not exist. The possible results could be: NPVP and NPVS: both negative and in such a case project is rejected NPVP and NPVS: both positive; in such a case project is accepted NPVP>0>NPVS: The project is attractive from parent companys point of view but not from subsidiary companys point of view. In such a case project could be accepted but there are chances of loss in value in terms of foreign currency. NPVP

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Comparisons Of Charles Manson To Transcendental Philosophy :: essays research papers

The Comparisons of Charles Manson to Transcendental Philosophy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Charles Manson and various members of his â€Å"family† brutally killed several people from the Tate and LaBianca family on two seperate ocassions. The purposes of these killings are misunderstood by today's society, when ignoring Manson's philosophy. Although Manson never killed anyone, he went to prison in 1969 for masterminding the operation. Today's society has labeled Charles Manson as a mass-murderer who had no purpose through his cause. However, society overlooks the goal of Manson's plan, which included creating a better society. Manson continues to preach his cause through repeated parole attempts, behind the walls of a California prison where he resides currently. His cause remains unknown to many, but several of Manson's underlying themes coincide with earlier transcendental views.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many of Charles Manson's beliefs include creating a better society by reducing the size of the government, and preserving the role of an individual in society. This explains why Manson refused counsel at his trial, he represented himself until the judge found many of his motions â€Å"ludicrous† and appointed him an attorney. Manson preached that only he could represent himself, because no one could preserve his individuality. Mr. Manson lost his sixth amendment right to self-representation, and he uses this example now to prove that the individual rights of people are controlled and manipulated by the government.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story of the â€Å"Manson Family† goes beyond the Tate/LaBianca murders, to years before the murders took place. Manson and his â€Å"family† would gather together in a house, when generally they would sit contently and listen to Charles preach. Usually the sermon would last for an hour or two and include stories and prophecies about the â€Å"revolution† that Manson felt was coming. Manson called this revolution helter skelter, after a Beatles song, which he felt told about the future of our society. Manson believed that the African- American members of our society were troublesome and would over-through the white race. Therefore, Manson began to prepare for helter skelter by informing his family. Instead of waiting for helter skelter, Manson wanted to prevent it by creating a utopian society that excluded the African-American race.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Above and beyond individuality, Manson felt that four important things needed preserved: air, water, trees, and animals. Mr. Manson commonly refers to these things as AWTA, and claims that his â€Å"family gave their lives to unite the brothers and sisters of the world† with these standards. The use of euphorics by Manson and his followers, provided an enhanced sense of individuality in an environment interacting with nature. Manson commonly used music to get his message out to other people, and generally, he would end a session with songs

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Maslow/Bandura/Skinner – How Current Practice Is Influenced by Them

Before you started activities indoor or outdoor you need to take into account the safety of all children and staff, ensuring that the environment is safe for the children and staff to play without any hazards. Some of the factors which need to taking into account when planning activities to ensure that the environment is healthy and safe are: -Ratio of staff to children to ensure that the activities in and out door is safe and that there is enough staff watching and helping children. -Children’s health needs to ensure that you are setting up activities to suit everyone needs and making sure that you take into account if you need extra staff for someone needs. – Risk assessment to be done before activities to look out for safety of all children and staff to make sure there are equipment is safe for children and that the will not come to any harm.IndoorWhen you are planning for a healthy and safe indoor environment firstly you will need to make sure a room checks has been done and there is no hazard noticed in morning and to organise the room to make safety effectively, by ensuring there is enough space for the number of children to move around easily and be comfortable. There should be natural light with in the room to ensure the children work without being uncomfortable. If this is not possible that light sources should be used to help the children feel comfortable. The level of noises should be at a level so you don’t need to shout and the person you are communicating with can hear you. You need to take into account the needs of anyone with a disability such as physical disability, sensory impairment you will need to set out activities to suit their needs as well. All activities should be set up safety so there is not a hazard.OutdoorsWhen planning for healthy outdoor activities you will need to make sure that the garden check has been done and that you have another check before setting up activities. You will need to make sure that you ha ve safety mat out for some activities so the children can’t harm themselves. The staff ratios needs to be right so there is enough staff to assistance people with special needs and that you ensure that all children are safe. You need to make sure that all equipment is age appropriate to ensure that a child is confidence to have ago and feel safe. Wearing appropriate clothes you can ask parent to bring in extra clothes and that the clothes there are wearing is suitable for the weather.Health and safety is motioned and maintained by doing daily room and garden check and risk assessment on all equipment and doing risk assessment when going on outing ensuring that is it safe for all staff and children. When we have visit we make them sign in when arrived and make sure they sign themselves out when leaving, we have fire exit sign on all doors. When new staff come to our setting management will take them around the nursery to should them the fire exit and will explain what to do wh en the fire alarm goings off. We will should them the health and safety policy so there know what is required from them when at the setting. 1.3 And 1.4There are many different of sources to enable to plan for a health and safety environment or services. You can look in books on the internet, ask you work colleagues and look at you policy and procedures and you text book. Some of the guidance that you will find on and in the above resources are: Employee duty which is a policy making sure that setting is and safe and that your setting is displaying health and safety posters, that you are keeping staff and visitors safe. Health and safe executive (HSE) this covers all the aspect of health and safety in all work environments and also provides guidance for those specifically working with children and young people.Toys(C.E) kite marks and lion marks to make sure there is age appropriate Control Making sure that all cleaning products are in a locked cupboard and high up out of reach from children, you need to list all products that may calls hazard (risk assessment) .Manual handlingAll staff at my setting has got a manual handling certificate and has read the policy. Manual handling is put in place to guide you to not injuries yourself it could be anything from lifting a children or moving equipment not bending your knee and your posture.RIDDORRiddor is a report of a serious injury, disease. The ways we report a serious injury is we put all the details on an accident form with inform like child name, what happened, where it was, date time, what we need to make better and we have to get a senior member of staff to look at it and sign it, there will pass on to management who will put all details on an online form and inform necessary people. Fire drillsMaking sure you know what to do when the fire alarm goes off. Beware of all fire posters and know the route of fire exit read your fire procedures know where to go and remember signing in sheets and first aid kit.3.1 I t is important to take a balanced approach to keep children safe and from harm. At the same time I need to encourage them to experience risk and challenges. If you remove all risks from children lives we could be risking to restrict them from learning and experience things. Sometime risks need to be avoided and wouldn’t be competent in our role of caring for children and young people if we didn’t protect them from these dangers (faulty electrical equipment is one example of danger) it is very important to teach children to manage dangers and risks for themselves. Allowing children to take risk will build children self-esteem and confidence this will learn children about safety and how to access risk they also gain responsibilities.3.2 It is important to deal with dilemma and making the rights choices to help children and young people. A child should be able to safely explore and make decisions about risks with guidance from staff in setting. Children need to know how t o control risk themselves by learning what safe boundaries are, by learning from staff. Staff should be showing and explaining how to recognise risks and dangers in the safest way possible. In the 2-3 room all children have free flow in and out the garden there are able to pick activities there would like to do. Staffs are around to guide them and to help them and explain any risk that may occur. Children may listen or may need reminding if you think there are at risk offer your help and then tell them the risk  and danger there was in.3.3 Reflexing account J gets wooden blocks from unit there was some small ones and some big ones he said I want to build a big tower and push it over. C said to j you can build a big tower but you need to be care that it does fall on yourself or your peers; j said I am careful it will not fall over. C said do you want me to help you j replies no thanks I am big boy. J starts building a tower putting one on top of another he puts them on slowly and t he tower starts to big and looks wobbly c says it going to fall j so don’t put more on it is very big now. J carry’s on putting blocks on and it falls on the floor and one falls on his foot j says that hurt me. C looks at j foot and he says it better now and begins to rebuild the tower again j says to c I am only going to build a little tower as it will not fall on me. J builds a little tower and stands up and claps himself it didn’t fall over yeah. EYMP 3Promote children’s welfare and well-being in the early years1. 1.1 Welfare requirement within my setting knowing safeguarding /admission/setting policies there should all be up to date. We must take necessary steps to ensure this we must promote good health of all children within our care and steps to prevent the spread of infection from others within our care take appropriate action (Milton room and contain). When children are ill we must be sure there suitable people and staffing levels to appropriate to ensure to all children.It is important that we are aware of nutrition needs and plan healthy meals/snacks for children on some occasions give advice to parents such as healthy food newsletters or leaflets. When serving food you need to wear gloves and an apron and be aware of potions sizes, this is important because children can become overweight. In my setting we have varies meals to suit the needs of the children e.g. vegetarian, food allergies. Every setting should have routines they should reflect the varying need all children within a group especially in term of sleep and  rest.It is important how we support the child such as providing new activities toys or simply encourage the child. The EYFS says it is important to work closely with parents, we can find out the needs of a child, you can also provide support and advise, sleep, toilet training and nutrition’s.1.2 My line of reporting Firstly I would write details down and then pass it to my senior would read it and ask any questions if needs she would pass on to the day care manager who is also healthy and safety manager and first aid.2. 2.2 *When child come into the setting the reception sign them into her register then the reception opens the security door and there parent walk into the room. In the 2-3 room will have a children self-register their picture are on the door outside and the children has to bring their picture in to room and put on a sign that says I am here today. It is down to the parent to sign next to their name what time they have dropped them out in to the room.This is also double checked my staff in room to make sure it has been done. *when a parent or carer comes to the setting there are greeted by reception before there can entry main build to collect, if someone comes will don’t know to collect a child we will ask for children password and if we have not been inform or someone different collecting children we would report this to out day manger to contact paren t to confirm collecting no one is able to go and get a children will out reception opening security door. *

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Us Iran Relations

US-Iran Relations Acknowledgements I would like to thank my teacher, Ms. Mashal Shabbir. The supervision and support that she gave truly helped me in this project. Her cooperation is thus appreciated. Abstract This report explains the US-Iran relationships, how they changed over the period of time and what the main reasons for that change were. I tried to analyze these reasons according to the International Relations theories as well as my own opinion. The report includes the information mainly from 1940 to date. Discussion In the last days before the culmination of Iranian revolution the electricity workers in Tehran would turn off the lights each evening and then from the rooftops came the chant â€Å"God is Great† with another chant, â€Å"death to America† however with a much contradicting tone† (Cottom, 1988). These words themselves explain the intensity which lies in the US- Iran relationships since the Iranian revolution. European intrusion in Iran has been a prolonged one with immense prominence. Trade was one of the most significant reasons.Iran’s geographical position made it the central attention for the European traders, as the land route which joined the western and eastern worlds crossed Iran. Moreover, as Cottom explains in his book that the only presence of the Europeans in Iran was â€Å"a matter of national prestige†. That is this prestige not only advanced Europeans economically but politically too. US initially was viewed as a caring western country, who was not only sincere but also advocated human rights of freedom, moreover encouraged courage, independence as well as dignity for the people of Iran.Before 1940’s it had no economic interest in Iran plus only a minute aid was granted to Iran during the event of Soviet invasion in Iran, however this minute interest which US had in Iran was not long lived. Iran, blessed with one of the most precious reserves of oil attracted the western world immensely. With increasing industrialization especially in Britain as well as America oil was becoming one of the main ingredients of their success. The British government purchased a large amount of Anglo-Persian Oil Company’s (APOC) stock during the First World War.This oil company was a predecessor of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC). By the time of Iranian oil crisis almost half of APOC’s stock was in the hands of Britain. Iranians on the other hand were kept away from the high ranking positions in the oil company. Moreover neither did the royalty payments satisfied the Iranian government nor did the high levels of confidentiality which prevailed in the major decision making contended them, giving birth to a situation which benefited neither of the two parties. Thus during 1951-1953 Iran strived to gain power over its oil industry which gave hype to the sense of nationalism in Iranians.The leaders in Iran provided the stance that out of the ? 250 million of profits which AIOC made in the late 1940’s their royalty payments only counted for one third of the total amount that is ? 90 million (Mary Ann Heiss). On the part of British Empire â€Å"oil† had become an evil necessity not only economically but also to sustain its political position as â€Å"a great power† in the World. Thus this nationalization not only threatened its position in the Middle East but also could have blown its largest investment abroad. Iranians on the contrary were keen to achieve independence nationally and politically.Although they were well aware of the fact that this may lead to serious economic adversity in Iran, they wanted the British dominance abolished to be treated as a sovereign nation. Therefore Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq stressed upon full control over Iran’s internal and financial affairs. The increasing tension between Britain and Iran and the wavering issues led the United States (US) jump in the situation. For US however the main goal was not the interests of either party that is Iran or Britain but it had its own underlying concern.Thus this can be said that this was the first time that US was seriously involved in the internal affairs of Iran, marking the beginning of their relationship. The nationalism which the Iranian governments were emphasizing upon was very closely related to communism, in a sense that it could have given rise to autocracy, which at that time was not at all acceptable to US. As this movement by the Iranians could have led to open paths for the Soviet Union to the oil fields of Middle East, America did not want to jeopardize its position along with its power. Moreover this oss of oil industry would have led to serious economic setbacks in US. In her paper, â€Å"The United States and Great Britain Navigate the Anglo-Iranian Oil crisis† the author Mary Ann Hiess explains the US-Iran relations in three phases during the oil crisis. The first phase named â€Å"benevolent neu trality† lasted almost from 1950 till the mid of 1951. The US officials acted as responsible negotiators and reconciled with the idea of nationalization as well as also recognized the rights of the contract of AIOC. Escorting to the second phase which is known as’ â€Å"Era of Anglo-American Partnership†.This phase propagated accelerating ideological and policy empathy mainly between Washington and London. The third phase however was that of US interest, that is US was somewhat getting successful in its goals, termed as the era of US domination this phase highlights Eisenhower ‘s (president of US 1953) negotiations which led to the formation of international association that replaced AIOC with the nation’s own oil industry in 1954. Now that the US domination prevailed in Iran, the American officials along with the British bureaucrats decided to overthrow Mossadeq for harming Iran’s stability.Therefore mainly Britain decided to pursue an operat ion commonly known as the Coup. However the Coup ultimately turned to operation AJAX which was organized and financed by US. According to International relations theories America in this particular situation acted quite like the classical realists. As it is obvious that the development of US interest in the whole situation is due to the fact that it was being flawed, selfish, competitive and ambitious due to its own goals, rather to solve the dispute for the betterment of Iran and Britain.The coup which occurred in august 19th 1953, basically aimed at overthrowing the government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq to remove the dictatorship from Iran and pursue democracy. Mark J. Gasiorowski in his article, â€Å"The 1953 Coup D’etat in Iran† gives the account of the takeover. While US and the British officials were already considering overthrowing mossadeq from power, the situation in Iran was not a favourable as well. Many opponents of mossadeq had already started to take actions against him. Anti-mossadeq mobs were arranged to kill him.Iran already was facing huge economic turmoil now had to face political unrest as well. Looking at the situation the new American government of Eisenhower also began to consider the operation and finally decided to organise and aid the coup along with Britain. Mossadeq already was facing hostility from the citizens of Iran therefore it made even easier for US to propagate masses against him. With the help of BEDAMN-a political action- uprising was arranged along with continued disputes. Government offices, buildings of pro-mossadeq newspapers were attacked.Air force general along with the forces attacked mossadeq’s house killing around three hundred people. The very next day mossadeq surrendered to Zahedi, marking the end of the coup. This revolution undoubtedly had a long and deep affect on the US-Iran relationships. The question which arises here is that, was America’s interest in Iran’s i nternal affairs genuine? Well America as I discussed above is a realist approach led country which ranks its own personal interest on the top. Then being sincere towards Iran itself becomes a futile question.Most of the studies highlight that the main aim US had out of this coup was to get significant share in the oil industry. Moreover this can be proven accurate to some extent by if we notice the fact that immediately after coming into power Zahedi government granted almost 40% of the total oil industry’s share to American oil companies (Gasiorowski, 1987). However a contradicting fact that most of the American oil producing countries were not interested in the share basically due to nimiety of oil in the world market- mainly in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait- proves that this might not be the sole or the most imperative reason.Another perspective of the situation is the American fear of communist takeover. At the time of coup Cold war between Soviet Union and US was at its peak a nd of course America being governing in nature would not allow soviet’s expansion to become a threat to US dominance, power and sovereignty. Although this coup proved beneficial for Iran, as it gave birth to democracy but the fact that this triumph was not experienced solely on the basis of internal struggle. In reality Iran was made a subject of constant US intervention, thus somewhat abusing its decision making ability.After the coup Mohammad Raza Pahlavi was reinstated as the Shah of Iran. Many authors state Pahlavi was long supported by the US government, although they were aware of the malpractices and the corruption which prevailed in his regime. The shah was forced to flee out of Iran when widespread unrest originated on the part of civilians and a new, more religious leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was granted the power. However this offense motivated the Iranian students to take revenge from the US. On November 4th 979, the Iranian students drizzled into the US e mbassy situated in Tehran and took almost 52 American officials as hostages on the demand that the shah who fled away should come back to Iran for trial of the crimes he committed against Iranians. The situation lasted for about 444 days as the US administration driven by Jimmy Carter was doomed by the failed attempts in 1980. However the hostages were released on the day Ronald Reagan was sworn as the new US president on January 20th 1981. This incident however changed the diplomatic, economic and political landscape between Iran and US for the years to come.By capturing hostages Iranians proved their anger against American’s negligence over Iranians as well as the power which they could use against US to advance their welfare. Another episode of varying US-Iran relations begun in 1986,when Iran secretly asked US for help while it was at war with Iraq. Iran requested US to sell weapons, however Reagan wanted Iran to release seven of the US hostages which Iranian terrorists h eld. This however did not remain confidential for long, instead soon people discovered this Iran-Contra.US emphasized that this was an arms for hostages deal as well as tried to stress upon the fact that it will improve US-Iran relations. This improvement in the relationships of the two countries was not long lived as in 1988 the tragic incident of Iran’s airplane shot down shrunken the trust between US and Iran. On the morning of July 3rd 1988, commercial flight operated by Iran Air took off for Tehran-Bandar Abbas-Dubai route however it was its bad luck that it never reached Dubai. At the same time another plane or more generally a Missile cruiser of US navy known as the US Vincennes would pass over this commercial flight.The US Vincennes was at the Persian Gulf during the Iraq-Iran war. Vincennes saw another airplane flying towards the Persian Gulf however it thought that it identified it as a possible Iranian F-16 issuing various warnings and civil distress frequencies wh ich of course never reaches the Iran Air. Thus after waiting for a bit the commander of Vincennes Captain Rogers ordered to fire two missiles at it. The Airbus was hit and soon it tumbled into flames killing around 290 innocent people in the flight. After the tragic incident the deterioration of the relations deepened as no severe action was taken against Captain Roger’s folly decision.Moreover it was just named a â€Å"mistake† by Pentagon. George W. Bush, vice president of US at that time declared a bold remark in Newsweek, â€Å"I will never apologize for the United States of America, ever. I don’t care what the facts are. † Thus this boldness highlights the rigidity that prevailed in American’s attitude. 1990’s a new decade, was begun with another policy implementation by the US. â€Å"dual containment† as it was known was a policy set up by Americans to isolate Iran and Iraq both economically and militarily mainly to achieve its own regional ambitions.US did not want any other countries to be in power and with the increasing influence of both Iran and Iraq; it saw its own position jeopardizing. US banned all trade, financial loans and services with Iran as it thought that the regime in Iran promoted terrorism and assassinations throughout the world. The beginning of a new millennium also marked a beginning of new tensions between the countries. US alleged Iran for expanding its nuclear activities and developing missile-related technology. It was threatening to the survival of US. Thus Iran was termed as the â€Å"axis of evil† by George W.Bush who by then was the president of US as according to them it enhanced terrorism. Ambitious in developing its nuclear base Iran continued to seek help from Russia and China despite US discontent. Throughout early 2000’s UN inspected Iran’s nuclear facilities. The reports said that there was no evidence of Iran producing atomic bomb but US considered it, â€Å"impossible to believe†. US kept on forcing Iran to suspend any of its nuclear progressions however Iran acted very firmly as proved by president Katami’s statement that its country will never give up its nuclear project and stressed its peaceful usage.The relations kept on becoming hostile, although America provided Iran with a humanitarian aid in 2003 because of the earthquake, it emphasized that this does not mark any thaw in their relationships. Throughout 2005 Iran’s nuclear program and uranium dispute remained a problem for US. For Americans it was of immense importance that Iran withdraws it activities as US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice explained , â€Å"US faces no greater challenge than Iran’s nuclear program†( BBC NEWS).However the new, more conservative president of Iran Ahmadinejad clearly stated that Iran has the right for peaceful progression of the nuclear project along with its announcement of successful enrichment of uranium. This prompted US to take strong steps against Iran. As for analysis purposes this can be considered that US and Iran were on a kind of cold war from the beginning of 2000. US major discontent was Iran’s nuclear program after all it was the prime threat to US continued existence. And for this reason US several times along with UN tried to impose sanctions over it. When nothing helped, President Bush accused Iran with Al-Qaeda.Thus stating that extremism prevailing in Iran could lead to adverse effects if nuclear program is continued. This brought huge military confrontation from Iran. Tensions prevailed as both countries accused one another either for spying or encouraging terrorism. To date the most destructive problem which prevails between the two countries is the Iran’s nuclear program. Several discussions have been held between the new presidents that is Barrack Obama and Ahmadinejad but no intelligent conclusion has been reached. This can be concluded that US interests had been objective in terms of truly helping Iran.US initially got interested in Iran due to the fact that it did not want Soviet Union to get advantage over the Iranian Oil industries. It wanted to achieve its own regional advantages over the most fertile country in the Middle East. However when Iran began to retaliate against US it posed great threat to their survival. The most significant example of this is the current tensions because of nuclear progression in Iran. Thus it can be concluded that US who undoubtedly follow the realists’ paradigm proved to be quite selfish when it came to their sovereignty.They made use of the dominance principal on several occasions as it did not want any other country to become a greater power. Iran on the other hand acted differently. It was basically on the leaders of Iran which determined its behavior towards America. Those who were pro American acted exactly as America wanted them too for example Zahedi, Pahlavi. Othe rs contradicted its policies and behaviour. They acted the way they thought was better for Iran, moreover stood strong in front of America for their rights such as Khomeini, Ahmadinejad.Thus the relations varied and contoured during different phases of US-Iran history. References about. com. (n. d. ). The Iran-Contra Affair. Retrieved from http://usforeignpolicy. about. com: http://usforeignpolicy. about. com/gi/o. htm? zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=usforeignpolicy&cdn=newsissues&tm=7117&f=11&tt=2&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www. pbs. org/wgbh/amex/reagan/peopleevents/pande08. html Anthony Cordesman, S. F. (n. d. ). DUAL CONTAINMENT: SLOGAN OR POLICY? Bernard Gwertzman, C. E. (2012, March 6). Crisis-Managing

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

20 Creative Study Methods to Beat the Studying Rut

20 Creative Study Methods to Beat the Studying Rut Sometimes you simply cant imagine studying another subject for another minute. Youve officially given up and refuse to care anymore. You have taken four final exams already and are looking down the barrel of the shotgun thats going to fire off three more finals any second. How do you progress when the thought of sitting down in front of a pile of books and notes makes you want to scream? How do you move beyond apathy to ensure you get the score you really want on that final or midterm exam? Heres how: you get creative. The following list includes 20 different creative study methods that are sure to help heal you of the study blahs. Read Your Chapter Aloud†¦ As a Shakespearean monologue. And if you really want to make it good, speak the Queens English. Everything sounds better in the Queens English. Try it: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Sounds better, right? Right.As if you were giving a presidential address. Be sure to have the unmistakable half-fist ready. And Im sure your professor would be happy to give you extra credit if you record this address and put it on YouTube. I am almost positive I heard her saying that yesterday.   In a New Jersey accent. Because, when youre here, youre family. Or else. Play a Game†¦ Like Jeopardy. Convince a really good friend or really interested parent to give you the answers to questions on your study guide. You must provide the questions. Ill take Potent Potables for six, Alex.Like Around the World. Remember that? In a small study group, one person faces off against another and moves around the group until someone beats him or her. Then, that new person moves around the group answering questions. The person who answers the most questions correctly gets a Starbucks gift card! Woo hoo! Draw†¦ Little pictures that represent key ideas in your content. Its easier to remember Maslows Hierarchy of Needs if you draw a banana and a glass of orange juice next to physiological instead of just trying to remember the word alone. Trust me on that one.The same symbols over and over. Circle the main idea in each section. Draw stars next to supporting details in each section. Underline vocabulary words in each section. Draw arrows from causes to effects in each section. Youre honing your reading skills while learning something new. Win-win.A storyboard about the chapter. Reading about the rise of FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt)? Draw a storyboard that reflects his early political career, the months before his inauguration, and FDRs three-pronged strategy to get elected. Your brain will easily remember the sequence of events much better that way because generally, pictures are worth a thousand word​s. Create†¦ A short story placing yourself in the setting youre studying. Lets say youre learning about Elizabethan England. Or the Civil War. Drop yourself right into a scene and write from first person perspective what you see, hear, feel and want more than anything in the world. Just make sure to make it out alive.A poem related to your topic. Learning Trig? No sweat. The last I heard sin and cosine rhyme. Plus, not all poems have to rhyme. Go free verse on that math. See how many of those terms you can squeeze into some iambic pentameter.A short story following a person that youre learning about. Based on what youve learned about her, what does Mother Teresa do when she discovers a mystery in Kolkata? Incorporate everything youre learning about her into the story. Bonus points if you give the teacher your story for Christmas. Sing a Song†¦ To remember a list. Its truly one of the best ways to remember the Periodic Table of the Elements, although theres no solid reason you should know them cold. Unless, of course, youre a scientist. In which case, youll be getting a quiz later.To get through a particularly tough reading passage. If you sing the passage, it may bring up different phrasing that can help you understand words you may not be getting. Still dont get it? Try one of the summary methods below. Write a Summary†¦ Of the 10 key things you must absolutely remember from the passage on sticky notes. Write them in your own words because theres nothing as silly as remembering someone elses ideas when you have no idea what they mean. Summarize in a way you can understand! Then, put the sticky notes up all around your room or kitchen or bathroom. No one else living in your house will mind. I promise.   Of each paragraph in one sentence, starting at the beginning of the chapter. That little summary of the paragraph is probably the  main idea. Once you have all of the main ideas of the paragraphs, string them together into one little mini-essay. You will be floored how much more you remember of the chapter when you read this way.By turning the chapter headings into questions and then reworking the block of text beneath the chapter headings into answers. Again, use your own words when you write the summaries. Make Flashcards†¦ On apps like Chegg, Evernote or StudyBlue. Many of them will let you add pics and sound, too. Kewl.On 3X5 cards, like your grandmother used. That wasnt an insult. She actually used them. And Grandma knew what she was doing, for your information. By mixing up the kinesthetic action of writing with the visual on the card, your brain learns the info in two different ways. Boom! Teach Someone Else†¦ Like your mom. You know how shes always asking you what youre doing in school? Nows the chance to explain what youve learned in Molecular Biology. Teach her so she really gets it. If you cant explain it in a way she can understand, better hit the books again.Like the people in an imaginary audience. Pretend youre standing in front of a group of thousands who have all shown up (and paid top dollar, by the way) to hear you speak about Romeo and Juliet. Explain the details of this tragedy so anyone listening will understand that Benvolio was Romeos best friend for a reason. Be sure to include the Nurses role, too.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fi515 Week 1 Quiz Essay Example

Fi515 Week 1 Quiz Essay Example Fi515 Week 1 Quiz Essay Fi515 Week 1 Quiz Essay Grade Details 1. Question :Money markets are markets for ______. Student Answer: foreign stocks consumer automobile loans U. S. stocks short-term debt securities long-term bonds Points Received:6 of 6 Comments: 2. Question :Which of the following could explain why a business might choose to organize as a corporation rather than as a sole proprietorship or a partnership? Student Answer: A. Corporations generally face fewer regulations. B. Corporations generally face lower taxes. C. Corporations generally find it easier to raise capital. D. Corporations enjoy unlimited liability. E. Statements C and D are correct. Instructor Explanation:The advantages of incorporation include unlimited life, easy transferability of ownership interest, limited liability, and ease of raising money in the capital markets. Regulations and double taxation are disadvantages of corporations. Points Received:0 of 6 Comments: 3. Question :Which of the following statements is true? Student Answer: One of the benefits of incorporating your business is that you become entitiled to receive unlimited liability. Sole proprietorships are subject to more regulations than corporations. Sole proprietorships do not have to pay corporate tax. All of the above answers are correct. None of the above answers are correct. Instructor Explanation:Sole proprietorships pay personal income tax, not corporate tax. The other statements are false. Corporations are subject to limited liability, but are subject to more regulations than the other forms of business organizations. Points Received:0 of 6 Comments: 4. Question :While other things are held constant, which of the following actions would increase the amount of cash on a companys balance sheet? Student Answer: The company repurchases common stock. The company pays a dividend. The company issues new common stock. : The company purchases a new piece of equipment. The company gives customers more time to pay their bills. Points Received:6 of 6 Comments: 5. Question :Kramer Corporation recently announced that its net income was lower than last year. However, analysts estimate that the companys net cash flow increased. What factors could explain this discrepancy? Student Answer: A. The companys depreciation expense increased. B. The companys interest expense declined. C. The company had an increase in its noncash revenues. D. Answers A and B are correct. E. Answers B and C are correct. Points Received:0 of 6 Comments: . Question :Which of the following statements is most correct? Student Answer:A. Actions that increase net income will always increase net cash flow. B. One way to increase EVA is to maintain the same operating income with less capital. C. One drawback of EVA as a performance measure is that it mistakenly assumes that equity capital is free. D. Answers A and B are correct. E. Answers A and C are correct. Instructor Explanation:EVA = EBIT(1-T) (after-tax cost of capital) (total capital). Therefore, if less capital is used with the same operating income, EVA will be increased. Points Received:0 of 6

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Good-paying Jobs

Good-paying Jobs Good-paying Jobs Good-paying Jobs By Maeve Maddox A reader questions the expression â€Å"good-paying jobs†: I’ve just come across ‘good-paying jobs’ in a report I’m editing by a highly regarded organization. (It has also been used by some politicians lately.) I was wondering if you could address the use of this phrase instead of what I would expect – â€Å"well-paying jobs.† I believe it’s not correct. The OED tells us that good is â€Å"the most general and most frequently used adjective of commendation in English, and one of the most common non-possessive adjectives in all periods from Old English to the present day.† Consider only a few of the uses of good: good food (wholesome) good books (well-written with worthwhile content0 good money (not counterfeit) good soil (fertile) good English (grammatically correct, well enunciated, and pronounced according to current national conventions) A good question is thought-provoking, a good friend is loyal and dependable. Captain Ahab hopes for a good wind and Yenta looks for a good match for a client. Someone, if not Chief Crazy Horse, may have said â€Å"It’s a good day to die,† and some scriptwriter came up with an episode of Desperate Housewives called â€Å"What’s the Good of Being Good?† The OED entry for good identifies the word as adjective, noun, adverb, and interjection. The good page of the online edition I use scrolls seemingly into infinity. My Compact Edition of the OED shows fifteen columns for plain good and another fifteen columns for words that have good as the root. We speak of good-tasting food (food that tastes good), good-looking people (people who look good), and good-meaning do-gooders (people who mean well). Note: American speakers are more likely to say â€Å"a well-meaning person,† but the OED includes â€Å"good-meaning.† Why shouldn’t we speak of â€Å"good-paying jobs† to mean â€Å"jobs that pay well†? The OED includes good-paying in its list of hyphenated â€Å"good words† for special uses, although the earliest citation (1834) doesn’t use the hyphen: Sandy, this has surely been a good paying job; for, when you were in the Calton, your little ones could not come out for dirt and rags. A Google search indicates that the two phrases are in about equal use. The Ngram Viewer shows both forms, with â€Å"good paying† higher on the graph than â€Å"well paying.† â€Å"This job pays good† is undeniably nonstandard usage. On the other hand, the following usage in an obituary written by Steven Greenhouse and published in The New York Times does not ignite my grammar nerve: From 2000 to 2002, Mr. Herman headed the A.F.L.-C.I.O.’s Working for America Institute, which promoted labor-management partnerships to create profitable businesses and good-paying jobs. I think that speakers who prefer â€Å"well-paying jobs† to â€Å"good-paying jobs† should use it, but unless house style demands one or the other, a writer’s choice should probably stand. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†15 Words for Household Rooms, and Their SynonymsTestimony vs. Testimonial

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Environmental Ethics - Climate Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Environmental Ethics - Climate Change - Essay Example This lack of action on climate change has the potential to turn this world into an inhabitable place for the future generations. Climate change can be considered as one of the most challenging issues in this era of development, and it has to be the moral responsibility of every individual and government to take action against climate change to make this earth a safer place for future generations. A recent report commissioned by the World Bank has stated that by the end of this century the world will become warmer by 4oC and to avoid this, stringent measures need to be taken immediately. The report has already observed the negative impacts of climate change on human health from events like rising sea level, draughts, heat waves etc (Climate Change Report....., 2013). Climate change Some of the sun’s heat that reaches the earth’s surface gets absorbed and the rest gets radiated back to the atmosphere in the form of infrared heat. However, 90% of the heat gets absorbed by the greenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide etc and is radiated back to the earth’s surface thereby rising the temperature of the earth. Human activities are to a large extent responsible for the creation of these gases. The most common factor is burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil which increases the level of carbon dioxide (CO2). Some lesser contributory human factors for production of greenhouse gases are clearing of land for agriculture and industry. Today, human beings heavily rely on industrial activities, and these have â€Å"raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years.† The general belief among climate scientists is that greenhouse gases produced by human activities have a 90 percent contribution towards the rise of earth’s temperature in the past five decades (A Blanket around the earth, n.d.). The impacts of climate change are manifold. Ice ha s been melting at a rapid pace all over the world especially at the poles like mountain glaciers and ice sheets in West Antarctica and Greenland, and also Arctic sea ice. There has been an increase in rain and snowfall across the world, and sea level has risen considerably in the last century. Continuous global warming can cause increased rate of natural calamities like hurricanes and other storms, floods and draughts (Effects of global warming, 2007). Climate change is also affecting the economy and health of human beings. The increasing heat and heat waves can have extreme effects on health and can also cause deaths. Climate change also increases the probability of diseases that get transmitted by food, water and insects (An Introduction to climate change, 2011). Climate change is also having negative effects on global economy. According to a recent study, nearly 400,000 people are dying annually all over the world that puts a dent in the world economy by $1.2 trillion. This decre ases the world GDP by 1.6%. The effect is more common in developing countries whose main occupation is agriculture. Climate change can destroy crops and other agricultural products and this leads to massive deaths caused by poverty, malnutrition, hunger and other related diseases. Burning of fossil fuels causes air pollution that kills almost 4.5 million people per year. But the extreme impacts of economies will be caused by weather extremities like droughts, floods and hurricanes

Friday, October 18, 2019

Create a Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map for the company (TESCO) Essay - 1

Create a Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map for the company (TESCO) - Essay Example Strategy map has been prepared on the basis of analysis done while preparing the balance scorecard. The strategy map is drawn in order to show how strategic objectives identified through balance scorecard and KPIs will work together in helping Tesco Plc achieve its business objectives. In the final part, on the basis of analysis done in the report, suitable recommendations are given to enable Tesco to improve business performance in a comprehensive manner. For last 20 years, interest in performance measurement and management (PMM) has increased among scholars and companies at an exponential rate (Valmohammadi and Servati, 2011). In such context, Kaplan and Norton (1996) proposed the concept of Balance Scorecard (BSC) in order to formulate a performance management framework, which can measure performance of all important business activities. Haapasalo, Ingalsuo and Lenkkeri (2006) stated that companies use the balance scorecard in order to formulate strategy map, which in turn provides direction to strategic initiatives. It is evident from the theoretical argument that companies use balance scorecard and strategic map as composite unit in order to control performance outcome and shape business strategies. In similar context, balanced scorecard and strategy map can be applied to Tesco in order to understand dimensions of their business strategies. Before going further into the main discussion, the study will discuss business operations of Tesco Plc so as to develop a functional background. Tesco Plc is a renowned British multinational general merchandise and grocery retailer, which has established more than 6000 retail stores across the globe (Tesco Plc, 2014). In UK, Tesco Plc is regarded as the largest retail chain, while worth of the brand is above  £2.6 billion (Tesco Plc, 2014). The company was established in 1919 and is headquartered at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England (Tesco Plc,

Legal, Environmental and Social Constraints Essay

Legal, Environmental and Social Constraints - Essay Example The regulation aimed at controlling the most polluting processes such as at power stations. The following hydrocarbon processes, as prescribed by The Environmental Protection (Prescribed Processes and Substances) Regulations 1991 (SI 1991/472), require authorization if they are likely to release prescribed substances." (Environmental legislation applicable to the offshore hydrocarbon industry (England, Scotland and Wales) The proposed expansion of Stansted Airport faced a lot of controversy. A preservation group protested and stated that the expansion could lead to the destruction of many historic buildings. Although the Government assured that the listed properties could be rebuilt outside the new boundaries but the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings kept the stance that the airport expansion will lead to maximum damage to the country's heritage including two important monuments Waltham Manor and The Grange. The controversy also directed towards the lack of planning in order to deal with the increasing demand of future air travel. The pressure groups warned for the legal action against the airport authorities that presented the proposal to build another runway on Stansted Airport. The group took the stance that the costs attached to the expansion of the Stansted Airport are lot more than the benefits attached to the plan. Reference SSE News Archives, 27 December 2003 Q 3. Explain what is covered by EMC legislation, What part was played by the EU in this piece of legislation. "The word EMC does not include the influence of electromagnetic waves (either desired or undesired) on biological systems. This is a much larger field and is covered by the expression "EMCE" ("E" is for environmental), which is not the topic here and is also not the field in which EM TEST works." (Mohr) The EMC makes sure that all the electrical products shall work in their environment and will not generate electromagnetic disturbances, which can effect the performance of other products. The EMC also covers the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Article response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Response - Article Example For instance, suppose two people are having a dialogue and using English language but of the same gender, they will most likely use ambiguous gender terms when referring to the other party’ (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). This is because of self-consciousness evident among the speakers mostly contributed by semantic competition that prompts them evade utilizing distinctive pronouns (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). The study also depicts the aspects of both competition and influence evident when using pronouns especially by same gender parties even in Finnish language (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). This is evident in experiments 1 & 2 where researchers concluded other nonlinguistic languages shows similar characteristic in reduction of the number of pronouns. Section 2 In this article, Fukumura, Scholfield and Hyona (2013) arguments regarding the choice of gender and who to refer to based on situation influences either increment or reduction of pronouns. This is apparent in the event of semantic similarity, which influences the choice of referring expressions. For instance, this is evident when a referential competitor utilizes pronoun â€Å"they† to denote people having similar animacy (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). ... For instance, speaker of certain gender based on his or her situation may end up not to using any pronoun in referring to a person of the same gender (Van Gompel, Fukumura, Harley & Pickering, 2011). Hence, result to altering the number of pronouns in a given conversation, which is in agreement with all the three articles. Heine and Song in their study refer this as â€Å"desementicization† because the speaker owing to the situation he or she is undergoing when trying to refer to a fellow person inevitably ends up not discarding common collective pronouns. Since, he or she cannot seclude oneself in similar situation to expound more about others. Therefore, being either male or female in a group of the same gender when choosing reference expressions yields to â€Å"interference†, which in turn ends up to fewer pronouns as cited by the main article (Fukumura, Scholfield & Hyona, 2013). This is also evident in Van Gompel, Fukumura, Harley and Pickering (2011) study though on their part use the world â€Å"Same Features† in referring similarity of any given group of people or entity. Hence, implying these two articles based on the evidenced analyzed, actively support the argument of the main article concerning reduction in the number of pronouns but based on a person’s gender, which I also concur with and support. This is especially in the manner of elaborating though they are using varied words like â€Å"features† to imply uniqueness, which in most cases limits one’s ability to choose usage of certain pronouns (Van Gompel, Fukumura, Harley & Pickering, 2011). Section 3 Excerpt 1 †¦when the referent and the competitor are both male, the activated gender node being male causes interference, leading to fewer pronouns, because by virtue of the link between the

Business - Labor Shortage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business - Labor Shortage - Essay Example Also, as the global economy improves, talent shortage will be further more evident. Job descriptions have become more complicated and are therefore out of reach of the vast majority looking for employment. Jobs have extensively evolved and are not as simple as they were in the past, what with now requiring more skills to man a particular position compared to before. This is a case of having a job demand, there is a workforce supply but it simply isn’t what the demand is looking for. This disparity created from such causes unemployment not only on particularly countries but rather globally, and it also affects the global economy in its entirety. There are also uncontrollable factors that affect the employment in relation to the line of work and how it is fairing in the economy, especially during recessions where the economy is volatile and unpredictable. A large composition of the unemployed is from the fresh graduates, with statistics saying that 89% of students with new bache lor’s degree cannot secure a job (Carnevale et al., 2012). A college degree does not guarantee a secure job these days. Companies demand that the people they hire have significant experience and are not only knowledgeable but also possess intangibles such as good critical thinking abilities and creativity. I confess myself as lacking in experience in order to play in the global field of competition and economy. Also, having the critical skills in problem solving cannot be verified and certified by a piece of paper, but it should be proven by experience. In order to alleviate such dilemma, it is only a rational decision to further develop ones talent and skills in order to attain job security (Schneider, 2011). Choosing the right course also significantly increases employment. By acquiring an EMBA degree, one achieves an assurance that the knowledge gained in such degree will never become obsolete or unnecessary since it is deemed as the ultimate business credential (Davies & Cline, 2005). Such degree holders are always specially sought by companies. If we follow the same train of thought of the common wisdom of corporations, by acquiring this EMBA degree, I further myself from the others looking for employment because with such I am being equipped with the ability and knowledge on how to generate more productivity and innovation. By completing this program, companies that I apply into are assured that they are looking at a prospect who has in depth knowledge in the economy and business aspects. While experience could still remain an issue, it could easily be overshadowed by the potential that is promised by a person who finished an EMBA degree. In order to finish such, one would and should be able to think critically and give in depth analysis on scenarios and situations and make good and educated procedures in order to solve problems. This degree will also help me be globally savvy regarding economics and marketing, which is a prime asset in this age o f globalized trade and commerce. Not to mention the entrepreneurial skills that I shall have honed that will help me implement and think of creative and innovative ideas, and also the international network shall I shall have developed. Although there is really no clear blueprint to follow in order to have good employment, it never hurts your chances to further develop

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gun Control and Crime in US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gun Control and Crime in US - Essay Example Having the knowledge of these issues, there seems a necessity for self-defense. There are Government bodies to help and assist at times of need. However, at that instance it is people, who need to take care of themselves. This was the reason for giving license to self defense gadgets. The Government bodies with intention to increase security and reduce crime rate started giving licenses to these gadgets, guns in particular. However, this decision should be critically examined. It is important to understand if guns for personal security have really decreased crime or have become a catalyst for crimes. This article critically examines the gun laws in the United States. It also addresses the issue whether guns have increased or decreased crime rate in United States. It focuses on some key events that urge changes to be made for future. A case study for the same is given. The later part of the article throws light on the possible alternates and suggestions to be incorporated to reduce cr ime, that is, gun control to reduce crime. The article tries to analyze the relation between gun control and crime in The United States and gives a possible solution for this situation. Crime in United States is closely associated to gun violence and homicides. Crime rate is generally measured by the number of crimes reported per 100,000 people. (US justice stats, 2006) Crime rates have seen a sharp rise from the late 1960's.However recently the crime rate in United States is steady. A study revealed that the crime rate of United States as of 2005 is around 3991 per 100,000 residents. (US justice stats, 2006) Violent crimes in United States are much higher than other countries. Minorities, young and financially less favorable positioned are known to commit crimes. 6 out of the 17 known homicides in California in 2005 are by the poor. Around 35.3% of homicides took place here. (US justice stats, 2006) The year 2005 has recorded to be the safest in the past thirty years in United States history. Nearly 49% of murder victims were African Americans in 2005. It was recorded that 79% of murder victims throughout were males. (US justice stats, 2006) Gun laws in United States are independent to every state. There are a few state level bans for guns like shot guns and rifles. License holders have permits and only a few states allow for an Inter state permit. Alabama does not address the issue of carry permits where as Alaska does give a provision for it (Kasler, 2000). California has the strictest laws in United States that bans guns that have a thumb hole stack, a flash suppressor etc (Harrott, 2001). Almost 60% of states have the carry permit law and others excepting a few have very convenient licensing strategies that can be misused. Case Study: Hindering Crime or Causing Havoc Guns were given to people in order to facilitate self-protection that is defense against anyone who attacks them. This was supposed to ensure safety to life and hindrance to crime. However the Million dollar question is the effectiveness of this act. The free hand given

Business - Labor Shortage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business - Labor Shortage - Essay Example Also, as the global economy improves, talent shortage will be further more evident. Job descriptions have become more complicated and are therefore out of reach of the vast majority looking for employment. Jobs have extensively evolved and are not as simple as they were in the past, what with now requiring more skills to man a particular position compared to before. This is a case of having a job demand, there is a workforce supply but it simply isn’t what the demand is looking for. This disparity created from such causes unemployment not only on particularly countries but rather globally, and it also affects the global economy in its entirety. There are also uncontrollable factors that affect the employment in relation to the line of work and how it is fairing in the economy, especially during recessions where the economy is volatile and unpredictable. A large composition of the unemployed is from the fresh graduates, with statistics saying that 89% of students with new bache lor’s degree cannot secure a job (Carnevale et al., 2012). A college degree does not guarantee a secure job these days. Companies demand that the people they hire have significant experience and are not only knowledgeable but also possess intangibles such as good critical thinking abilities and creativity. I confess myself as lacking in experience in order to play in the global field of competition and economy. Also, having the critical skills in problem solving cannot be verified and certified by a piece of paper, but it should be proven by experience. In order to alleviate such dilemma, it is only a rational decision to further develop ones talent and skills in order to attain job security (Schneider, 2011). Choosing the right course also significantly increases employment. By acquiring an EMBA degree, one achieves an assurance that the knowledge gained in such degree will never become obsolete or unnecessary since it is deemed as the ultimate business credential (Davies & Cline, 2005). Such degree holders are always specially sought by companies. If we follow the same train of thought of the common wisdom of corporations, by acquiring this EMBA degree, I further myself from the others looking for employment because with such I am being equipped with the ability and knowledge on how to generate more productivity and innovation. By completing this program, companies that I apply into are assured that they are looking at a prospect who has in depth knowledge in the economy and business aspects. While experience could still remain an issue, it could easily be overshadowed by the potential that is promised by a person who finished an EMBA degree. In order to finish such, one would and should be able to think critically and give in depth analysis on scenarios and situations and make good and educated procedures in order to solve problems. This degree will also help me be globally savvy regarding economics and marketing, which is a prime asset in this age o f globalized trade and commerce. Not to mention the entrepreneurial skills that I shall have honed that will help me implement and think of creative and innovative ideas, and also the international network shall I shall have developed. Although there is really no clear blueprint to follow in order to have good employment, it never hurts your chances to further develop

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Immigration Reform Paper Essay Example for Free

Immigration Reform Paper Essay Illegal immigration into the United States has drastically increased throughout the twentieth century. There are millions of immigrants in our country who are currently living under the threat of deportation because of their undocumented status. The most considerable challenge for policymakers is distinguishing apparent immigration problems from authentic problems. Congressional members have taken an approach that focuses exclusively on border security, which has not been successful thus far. If Congress continues to pass laws without taking into consideration the fundamental contradictions of existing state affairs, then the state affairs will not undergo any change. In order to achieve results, an immigration reform must be comprehensive. The United States of America needs an immigration system that recognizes the hardships and contributions of the people migrating to the U.S., keeps families together here in this country, and creates a rational process of citizenship for new Americans. How we treat immigrants should reflect the values of fairness and equality that define the United States as a country. People come here for the promise of freedom and opportunity. However, immigrant workers are exploited and discriminated against. These so called â€Å"illegal aliens† happen to contribute to the development of our nation in many ways, such as paying taxes, creating new jobs by opening businesses, and making scientific discoveries that transform entire industries. For example, as of 2010, nearly five hundred companies had at least one founder who was an immigrant. These companies include ATT, Verizon, Kraft, Comcast, Intel, Google, Sun Microsystems, United States Steel, Qualcomm, eBay, Nordstrom, and Yahoo (â€Å"Immigration Reform† 1). Although it is true that immigrants do more contributing than anything else, many Americans refuse to believe in this fact. Usually, those seeking to reside in the United States are part of racial or ethnic groups that are minorities in this country. Therefore, anti-immigration views and behaviors are often affiliated with racism. This  effect is partially due to the fact that previous attempts to regulate immigration were based on racism or nativism. Procuring the participation of previously excluded groups is the key ending discrimination. Any policy that keeps family members apart for decades at a time should not be an American resolution. Due to our current immigration system, family members can sometimes wait ten to twenty years to be reunited with loved ones (Bruno 5). Our American values teach us that families are sacred and serve as the building block of our communities. Separating husbands from wives, sisters from brothers, and children from parents creates worthless suffering that negatively affects the prosperity of our communities. Immigrants who are waiting for the approval to come to the United States are not allowed to visit in the mean time, which means they cannot legally visit their family members who reside in the U.S. for many years. Lili Farhang, the co-director of Human Impact Partners, explains the importance of keeping families united with this statement: â€Å"The lives of children with undocumented immigrant parents or guardians in the United States are saturated with fear, fear that the people they love and depend on will be arrested and taken away from them at any moment without warning. Many of these children were born here and are U.S. citizens. But under current immigration policy, their families can be torn apart with an arrest and deportation with little regard for their wellbeing or futures† (Farhang 1). With that being said, it is clear that our country needs an immigration reform that maintains and protects family unity to reverse the damage caused by the current American policies. The United States immigration authorities often receive more visa applications than they can process within a reasonable amount of time. For the most part, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reviews each application on a first come, first- served basis. If an immigrant is an applicant for a visa or green card that does not allow unlimited amounts to be given out each year, then a certain amount of waiting will be incorporated into the process. For example, if an individual is applying for a green card as the married child of an American citizen, then he or she is placed in the third preference category of  family-sponsored visas, and can expect to wait at least ten years before receiving a visa. There is nothing anyone can do about this except to carefully monitor the progress and notify the National Visa Center (NVC) of an address change. The possibility of an immigrant’s file being misplaced is also another important reason to track the changes in progress. This happens all too often, and many times the individual is not notified of the misplacement (Bray n.p.). Many Americans do not understand the immigration process and expect all immigrants to wait their turn in line for a green card or visa. However, what they also don’t understand is that for many people who have no college degree or close relatives who are U.S. citizens, there is absolutely no way for them to migrate into the U.S. legally without reform to the legal system. For individuals living in poverty and desperate to support their families, illegal immigration is the most appealing option. Therefore, enforcement policies should focus on establishing a safe and orderly system of entry into the United States once immigrants have met reasonable requirements, such as background checks or tax payments. Immigration policies affect all aspects of American society. In one way or another, regardless of their status, immigrants have always played an essential role in the growth and development of our nation. Immigrants have contributed an estimated ten billion dollars a year to America’s economic growth (Bray n.p.). The hard-working individuals who contribute to this country should be encouraged to standardize their status. Unfortunately, the immigrants in the United States are increasingly becoming targets of discrimination. Families are being torn apart and children are being forcibly separated from their parents. In consequence, our nation’s immigration policies must be consistent with the ideals of equality and freedom that defines the American people. â€Å"Works Cited† Bray, Iona. â€Å"Why Immigration Cases Take So Long.† AllLaw. Law Topics. Online posting. Bruno, Andorra. â€Å"Unauthorized Aliens In The United States: Policy Discussion.† Congressional Research Service, 8 May 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2015. Farhang, Lili. â€Å" Family Unity, Family Health: How Family-Focused Immigration Reform Will Mean Better Health for Children and Families.† Human Impact Partners 22 June 2013. PFD file. Haugen, David. Illegal Immigration. MI: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Print. â€Å"Tackling the Toughest Questions on Immigration Reform.† Immigration Policy Center 29 Jul. 2013. PDF file.