Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Annotation of articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Annotation of articles - Essay Example In fact, The Boston Globe is among the top ten newspaper websites in America. This undoubtedly shows that it is a trusted source of information. The fact that it has been done by an experienced movie critic, Burr, who is definitely aware of what to put in and what not to makes it even more reassuring. It is definitely an official review. Reflections of War by Stanley Kauffmann. Kauffmann, Stanley. â€Å"Reflections of War.† New Republic. 236.10/11 (3/5/2007). Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 September 2012. In his review, Kauffman starts by giving a description of the place covered in the movie, Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams. In fact, it is clear that he understands the plot. He is also very well informed since he even offers an account that the writer-director of the film lives right across the place. He also offers a succinct description of the characters depicted and the events that take place. Kauffman also offers an account of the movie Close to Home, which is a legal dr ama showcasing the existence of crime in the streets. Here, Kauffman also offers a clear account of who is involved and what happens. Being a movie critic, this does not go without an opinion from his perspective. Kauffman himself is an experienced film and theatre critic as well as a talented author and editor. The New Republic on the other hand is a genuine source. In fact, the magazine has been around since 1914. The magazine itself is very informative in the disciplines of arts and politics. Post War: Sarajevo conflict was hell, but what comes after is another battle by Ella Taylor. Taylor, Ella. â€Å"Sarajevo conflict was hell, but what comes after is another battle.† Villagevoice.com. Feb 6, 2007. Web. 6 September 2012. Taylors review begins with a reflection of what is happening today in war torn countries as well as what has been there in the past. She also gives an account of the effects of past wars in various countries. Despite being less graphic, Taylor describes the movie Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams as being one that brings back sad memories of the war which is another emotional battle. The review particularly highlights the plight of women, and especially single mothers who have to carry heavy burdens of being sole providers, in a male dominated society. Ella Taylor is an experienced movie critic and holds vast experience writing for various media companies in America. Villagevoice media on the other hand is an informative and genuine features and news website. The source of information is therefore legitimate. This information is very helpful in understanding the aftereffects of wars and genocides. The conflict in Sarajevo clearly shows what goes on in the lives of war victims physically, emotionally and psychologically. It is clear that although the war has ended, every victim still continues to struggle with memories and emotions arising from past events. Looking to the Future, Living with the past by Stephen Holden Holden, Stephen . â€Å"Looking to the Future, Living with the past.† nytimes.com. February 16, 2007. Web. 6 September 2012. Life after war is always haunted by memories and bitterness from the past. In his review, Holden clearly highlights this. Even when the war remains in the past, victims inevitably carry it with them. Memories of what happened cannot be rubbed from their minds and every time they come back with a

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